Risks and benefits of LASIK
Millions of people have undergone laser eye surgery in the past decade, and living happily and safely with it. When done properly by an experienced eye surgeon, and to the suitable case, The benefits are un-mistakabe; an excellent eye-sight with no glasses (mostly better than that obtained with glasses). Benefits are immense and appreciated very well.
LASIK, however, isn’t always right for everyone, and as with all surgeries, there are certain risks of LASIK that should be thoroughly evaluated for each individual case. Finding a skilled, trusted surgeon, who can decide your suitability for LASIK vision correction, and determine potential risks, if any, can put your mind at ease and help you experience a life free of glasses of contact lenses.

When you visit Dr Khalil Eye Clinic for consultationwiht Dr Kkalil, you will be thoroughly examined for the suitability of vision correction, and will be asked to do certain tests that might help in decision making.
By the end of consultation, Dr Khalil will tell you if LASIK is suitable or not suitable for your case, and if there are decent options for vision correction (like ICL implantation) that might suit your case better.
Are there serious sight threatening risks of LASIK?
Sight threatening complications are extremely rare, and only result from wrong decision and management.
Then what are the other possbile risks of LASIK?
There are some risks of LASIK which can occur, and you should be aware of their possibility. Risks of LASIK can roughly be divided into: common side effects, infrequent side effects, and extremely rare ones. This monograph does not relate to complications caused by operating on the wrong cases (non-indicated cases for whom LASIK was not suitable in the first place)
Why Opt for Dr. Khalil's Expertise in LASIK?
With an impressive history of thousands of successful LASIK surgeries, Dr. Ahmed Khalil is acknowledged for his thorough methodology and steadfast dedication to patient care. Here’s what makes patients from all corners of the world trust us with their vision:
- Dry sensation of the eyes is common in the first few months after LASIK. That is why we usually advise instilling artificial preservative-free eye drops during this period.
- Light sensitivity in the first day.
- Scratchiness in the first few days.
- Patches of red or pink in the white of the eye are common in the first days. They are caused by the microkeratome suction and disappear completely by fewdays-2 weeks.
Vision Correction Conferences
The success rates are astoundingly high. Patients are encouraged to have a detailed consultation with Dr Khalil prior to the day of surgery.
For the best results of LASIK, at Dr Khalil Eye Clinic you will be well tested to ensure suitability
- Over- or under-treatment of the condition may occur, and a minimal degree of under or over-correction is probably the commonest (side effect) which can occur. requiring additional surgery, contact lens, or glasses.
- As with all normal populations, reading glasses may still be needed after surgery for patients over 45. However, there is actually an added advantage here for LASIK as we can make some adjustments during the operation to delay, and sometimes negate the use of reading glasses.
- Problems with night driving or visual symptoms, such as glare and haloes. We used to warn our patients about haloes around lights during night driving in the first few months. Recently, however, with modifications in the technique and upgrades in the laser software, we rarely encounter this complaint, even with fair people in whom it was very common. If it does occur, it usually disappear within 6 months.
- Few patients, although they may see much better than before LASIK without glasses, will still need minor glasses for their best vision.
- Problems with a decrease in contrast sensitivity in the first 3 months, and even with 6/6 or 20/20 vision, objects may appear fuzzy or gray.
- Flap complications; flap wrinkles can occur if the patient rubs his eye vigorously in the first few days after LASIK. This is avoided by avoiding rubbing during this period. Dr Khalil will use plastic clear shields for anxious patients. If it does occur, again prompt management completely cures it.
- Rarely, some inflammatory deposits under the flap can occur, and they subside with the use of proper eye drops.
- Corneal scarring, permanent warping of the cornea and an inability to wear contact lenses is recorded in some reports if flap complications arise and are managed incorrectly.
- Corneal infection is recorded to occur in some centers, however, if it does occur, prompt management with necessary eye drops resolves the problem. Most importantly actually is prevention by proper asepsis in the laser room.