Types of Glaucoma
There are several types of glaucoma, each has its own ways of treatment

Types of glaucoma according to the age of presentation
In rare instances, glaucoma can affect children, at birth or just after birth. This is particularly common in the Middle East, and Indian subcontinent. we call this congenital glaucoma
Glaucoma can also affect young adults. Although this is rare, it is always important to have an eye check as this age group is usually healthy and does not seek medical advice. This age group can, more often than not, be missed
This is the commonest age to have glaucoma. Glaucoma in the adult has several types, mentioned below
Types of adult glaucoma
1- Open Angle Glaucoma

Despite the angle of the eye being wide and open, the tiny microscopic drainage channels outside the angle are blocked. This leads to what we call open angle glaucoma, which is a slowly progressive condition, and because it is a slow process, it can often be missed, This is what we call “the silent thief of sight”
2- angle closure glaucoma

(also known as closed angle glaucoma): occurs more rapidly when the flow of fluid inside the eye cannot pass through the narrow angle in the front of the eye, where drainage usually occurs, causing a rapid rise in pressure inside the eye.
How can glaucoma be treated?
Depending on the type and severity of the glaucoma, Dr Ahmad Khalil may recommend glaucoma treatment in the form of eye drops, glaucoma laser eye surgery or conventional glaucoma surgery as the best option for you. Dr Khalil almost always performs his glaucoma surgeries under local anaesthetic and whichever option he recommends, the objective will be the same: to reduce the pressure causing the glaucoma and preserve the vision in your eye as safely and painlessly as possible