Frequently Asked Questions about Glaucoma
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Glaucoma, as answered by Dr Ahmad Khalil, a renowned figure in the treatment of glaucoma, and president of the Egyptian Society for the Glaucomas
What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma occurs when the pressure inside the eye is high enough to pinch off the circulation of the optic nerve in the back of your eye. The optic nerve is like a data cable. When the cable is damaged you start to lose the connections between the eye and brain. This leads to gradual blindness if not treated properly.
What eye pressure is too high?
The average pressure for most people is 10-21. In classic glaucoma the optic nerve becomes damaged when the pressure gets above 21. However, there are certain instances when the eye can be damaged by lower eye pressures; a condition we call normal tension glaucoma

I have a family history of glaucoma, is that important?
Yes, a family history of glaucoma increases your risk of developing glaucoma by two to ten times depending on the closeness of the relationship. If you have glaucoma, all of your blood relatives need to be informed and they need regular eye exams to watch for it. Age is also a risk factor. After age 40 the risk starts to rise each year.
Detecting Glaucoma Early Can Save Your Vision
Our Commitment to Your Eye Health
What causes the glaucoma?
Clear fluid flows in and out of small space at the front of the eye called the anterior chamber. This fluid bathes and nourishes nearby tissues. If this fluid drains too slowly, pressure builds up and damages the optic nerve. Though this buildup may lead to an increase in eye pressure, the effect of pressure on the optic nerve differs from person to person. Some people may get optic nerve damage at low pressure levels while others tolerate higher pressure levels.
Who gets glaucoma?
Glaucoma tends to run in families. If you have several family members with glaucoma, you are at a significantly increased risk of developing glaucoma. Glaucoma is more prevalent as people get older. It is also more common in people with diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension (high blood pressure), or certain other medical conditions. Your risk also increases if you are severely nearsighted or farsighted or if you have a history of certain eye conditions or eye injuries.
How can I tell if I have glaucoma?
The signs or symptoms of glaucoma can vary depending on the type.
Primary open angle glaucoma often develops slowly and painlessly, with no early warning signs. It can gradually destroy your vision without you knowing it. The first indication may occur after some vision has already been lost.
Acute angle closure glaucoma, which results from a sudden blockage of drainage channels in your eye, causes a rapid blind up of pressure accompanied by blurred vision, the appearance of colored rings around lights and pain and redness in the eyes.
Wouldn’t I have headaches or blurred vision if I had glaucoma?
No! not always! Glaucoma is called the hidden eye disease because it starts by affecting your side vision in very subtle ways that you cannot detect. By the time it is bad enough that you know you have a problem, it might be too late to save good vision.

Once Dr. Khalil diagnosis glaucoma, how does he treat it?
Treatment of glaucoma requires lowering the internal eye pressure to allow better circulation in the optic nerve, which preserves it’s health. This is usually done either by the use of eye drop medication taken one or two times per day, or by various forms of surgerry, including glaucooma laser surgery. Glaucoma is a broad term with many intricacies inside its diagnosis and suitable lines of treatment. Dr Khalil, after full evaluation of your case wil decide what is best for your particular glaucoma situation. often, just the use of one eye drop once a day might be all what is needed for your treatment!
Don't Ignore the Signs of Glaucoma
A comprehensive care and management of glaucoma at Dr Khalil Eye Clinic
Effective Glaucoma Treatment Options
If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma, know that there are many effective treatments available, including medication and surgery. Dr Khalil Eye Clinic specializes in glaucoma management and surgery, providing personalized care to each of our patients. We also offer other procedures for conditions that can be present with glaucoma like cataract surgery and combined surgeries .
Frequency of Eye Exams for Glaucoma Patients
When it comes to managing glaucoma, it’s important to stay on top of your eye exams. At Dr Khalil Eye Clinic, we recommend frequent examinations to monitor your condition, especially if your glaucoma is severe. For milder cases or low-risk patients, we still recommend at least annual checkups. Dr Khalil will work with you to develop a personalized examination schedule.
Preventing Vision Loss from Glaucoma
Oftentimes, if glaucoma is caught early and treated effectively, it can be managed to prevent further vision loss. At Dr Khalil Eye Clinic in Cairo, we specialize in a range of treatments, including cataract surgery, glaucoma management and surgery, and children’s glaucoma care, so you can trust that you’re in capable hands. Don’t wait until it’s too late – book an appointment today to start protecting your vision.
Will my vision be restored after treatment?
Unfortunately, any vision loss as a result of glaucoma is usually permanent and cannot be restored. This is why regular preventive eye examinations are so important. Low vision rehabilitation services, that include the use of specialized optical devices and training, may benefit individuals with severe vision loss.
Can glaucoma be prevented?
No, but early detection and treatment can control glaucoma and reduce the chances of damage to the eye and a loss of sight.
Dr Khalil Eye Clinic Specialties
A wide range of eye care procedures is offered at the best standards at Dr Khalil Eye Clinic in Cairo