Eye Consultation at Dr Khalil Eye Clinic

Comprehensive Eye Consultation at Dr Khalil Eye Clinic

How long is it since your last eye test?

eye examination at dr khalil eye clinic in cairo

It is important to check your eyes regularly. Whether or not you need glasses, the health of the eyes should be checked every two years. If you have a family history of eye problems or wear contact lenses more frequent testing may be required.

Dr Ahmad Khalil will carry out a full comprehensive eye evaluation during your visit to his eye clinic. As well as eye disease, Dr Khalil will also check for any problems caused in the eye by other general health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

To have an eye consultation with Dr Khalil

Full Eye Consultation with Dr Khalil usually takes little more than half an hour and routinely check for the following problems:

  • Refractive error
  • Anterior eye conditions to check for cataracts, glaucoma and other conditions that might affect your eyesight
  • the presence and if present, the severity of Cataracts
  • Eye Pressure to exclude or evaluate Glaucoma
  • Age related macular degeneration

If any serious eye disease is detected during the course of testing Dr Khalil will ask for further investigation and then recommend any necessary treatment. Dr Khalil will fully explain any problems if detected and is available to answer any questions you might think of at the time, or later.

There will be specific considerations in eye examination before eye surgeries like cataract surgery, lasik vision correction, femtoLASIK, glaucoma surgery, squint surgery, treatment of keratoconus

Dr Khalil Eye Clinic Specialties

A wide range of eye care procedures is offered at the best standards at Dr Khalil Eye Clinic in Cairo