Presbyopia and Accommodation


(the ability of the eye to focus at various distances)

The normal lens inside the human eye has the ability to change shape, and hence its power. This allows it to focus light on the retina whether the light is coming from far away (the lens becomes thin), or from a near object (the lens becomes thick)

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o focus on a near object, like when reading a book or seeing something closely, the lens inside the eye increases its curvature, so that the power of the eye is increased and the image comes to a good focus on the retina or the sensitive film in the back of our eyes. This process is called accommodation, and is strongest in early life.

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However, the lens’s ability to accommodate declines with time because of a natural loss of its elasticity. Presbyopia is the result of these changes and is noticed when we reach our 40’s and 50’s. This is why reading glasses become necessary – they provide the extra focusing power required to see near.

Cataract surgery during a live surgery transmission by Dr Ahmad Khalil from his operating room in Cairo to the World Ophthalmology Congress
Dr Khalil Eye Clinic in Cairo, Egypt
Dr Khalil Eye Clinic in Cairo, Egypt
قياس ضغط العين أثناء الكشف الكامل فى عيادة حكيم العيون د أحمد خليل

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Presbyopia, difficulty to see at near after the age of 40-dr ahmad Khalil eye clinic in Cairo

Is it possible to correct presbyopia without using glasses?

Dr Khalil mentions that in recent years, we started to have several options for correcting this focusing difficulty by laser treatment or by the implantation of a multifocal lenses inside the eye after removing the naturally occurring lens. This is an excellent alternative for people who have cataract and need it to be removed, and thus restoring the ability of focusing the eye on far, intermediate and near objects. Despite the suggesstion of several techniques to correct presbyopia or the difficulty to see near objects after the age of 40 by laser vision correction, none of these techniques have proven near full success in individuals having perfect eyesight at far.