Testimonials after congenital glaucoma operations
Testimonials from parents and grown-up children after treatment of their children congenital glaucoma
This page contains messages from parents of children who had their congenital glaucoma operations done in the Eye Clinic of Dr Ahmad Khalil, and they graciously have chosen to share them with this website visitors. Dr Khalil wishes to thank everyone who sent or thought to send these kind words, indicative of the graciousness of the sender, and might be more than what’s deserved. They have been posted as sent..
Some of the happiest momentsfor Dr Ahmad Khalil are when young teenagers, who were inflicted with congenital glaucoma at their birth, visit him, many years after having successful operations for their congenital glaucoma on their eyes, their congenital glaucoma.
22 years after successful surgery for children glaucoma
the young writer Merna Abdelhakim

To Professor Dr. Ahmed:
I praise and thank God for your presence among us
A word to you from inside my heart full of sincerity and gratitude
I wish you lasting success from place to place, from country to country, from one position to another, just as your honor is worthy of it.
With my sincere and great thanks to you
May God grant you a blessing in the lives of your patients and may God make you a reason for their recovery
I bear witness to God that I pray for you in my prayers, and I hope that my prayers and the prayers of my family will be yours
I will never forget your patience in your dealings
Your kindness to financial circumstances, the vision of humanity within you, and your supportive, promising words throughout the entire twenty-one years of my life, since I was only 45 days old, from a little girl to a young woman waiting for hope to be built within her at every moment.
This hope made me build my future and put my feet on the first path so that my writings would come to light. To prove that, thanks to God, my illness is no longer an obstacle to me, but has disappeared
May God increase people like you and increase your distinction, love, and obedience to God♥♥♥

Our child had congenital glaucoma

Dear Dr. Ahmed Khalil,
We would like to express our genuine gratitude for your dedication to our daughter’s case. We thought we’d share our experience here if you don’t mind.
Our daughter, Zeina was diagnosed with children glaucoma (Primary Congenital Glaucoma). We did lots of research and Dr. Ahmed was the most recommended to us. He was honest, direct and really helpful explaining the case as extensively as possible. After the successful operation on the first eye, the second was successfully done too.
In regards to our worries and concerns, Dr. Ahmed was very understanding and really helped us through them in a very patient and approachable manner. We even sent him weekly photos to review her eye progress, he was very welcoming and keen on following up on her case.
We now consider him as part of our family for all the good he’s done for us. We do highly recommend him.
Our child and her glauocma
Fajr, Saudi Arabia

Thanks and appreciation to H. E. Dr Ahmad Khalil
It is our obligateion to offer you words of Thanks and appreciation. But we stand short of being able what to write!
We put a Jewl on a jewl and a ruby on a ruby to mae a chain of appreciation verses for your kind self for all what we had of your interest and care during the operations and treatment course of our daughter
We wish you everlasting prosperity and progress.
parents of Fajr Al-Joraibi, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
After congenital glaucoma surgery
Wessam from Aswan

To Dr Ahmad Khalil
With sincerest regards and appreciation, we would like to thank you for taking care of our daughter Wessam’s case. She was suffering from congenital glaucoma since she was born. We owe you for all you have offered to us and to her of moral support, frank explannations and description of her case.
We would like also to express our appreciation for your care and bearing our anxiety and concerns, your patience to our questions and concerns regarding our daughter condition in every time we come from Aswan to your eye clinic, and your answering our many phone calls from Aswan whenever we had questions in between examination visits.
Our best thanks for the esteemed Professor Dr Khalil, whom we consider a dear friend. We pray to God for your continuous health and happiness, as you brought happiness to us and to our daughter to enjoy her childhood, and for helping us to pass times which were difficult and painful.
With all appreciation and gratitude
Parnts of Wessam Mostafa, Aswan
Menna had congenital glaucoma at birth

Years after having her congenital glaucoma operated and treated successfully by Dr Khalil in 2008, Menna one best friend of Dr Khalil Eye Clinic, is paying a visit to her friend Ahmad Khalil with a present she carefully chose.
Menna is the girl shown for many years on the site and in some publications having her eye pressure measured in Dr Khalil office while slightly under 1 year of age.

Mona 11 years of having her congenital glaucoma surgery
Mona from Yemen

20 years after congenital glaucoma operation

Dr Ahmad Khalil has been very actively fighting congenital glaucoma for more than 25 years in Cairo, Egypt. He has successfully operated on more than 1500 surgeries for children with congenital glaucoma from Egypt and other parts of the world. Many children from Arab and African countries are brought by their parents to Dr Khalil Eye Clinic, well renowned for the surgery and treatment of congenital glaucoma.