
To have an eye consultation with Dr Khalil


Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness or long-sightedness, causes the individual to have difficulty seeing close objects. The eye focuses light behind the retina, instead of directly on the retina, thus causing the blurry near vision. This occurs when an eye is too short. Light rays entering the eye do not come to focus sharply on the retina at the back of the eye. Instead, they focus back behind the eye producing a blurred image. Farsighted individuals, however, can use their focusing muscles to “pull” the image forward onto the retina, often resulting in the ability to see in the distance but lack in ability to see near and intermediate ranges well, as this needs more muscles power. In young persons with high degrees of hyperopia or in individuals over the age of 45, this compensation ability may be inadequate to produce clear images at any range, resulting in blurry vision for distance, near and intermediate ranges.


These lenses can be in glasses or contact lenses. Refractive surgery like LASIK or lens implantation can be very useful in eyes with hyperopia


LASIK can be useful in hyperopes or farsighted people with a degree of up to 6 degrees. Its advantages are especially highly appreciated in individuals over 40 who are beginning to feel difficulty in focusing either near or far objects. For degrees of hyperopia for which lasik is not suitable, like higher degrees, implantation of a lens inside the eye (ICL) or refractive lens exchange (RLE) come as good answers depending on the individual case.

Dr Khalil Eye Clinic Specialties

A wide range of eye care procedures is offered at the best standards at Dr Khalil Eye Clinic in Cairo